If someone were to tell me five years ago that I would be writing a blog about dentistry, and not actually practicing dentistry anymore, I’d have thought them nuts! Of course I had no idea what a blog even was at that point, being completely immersed in the teeth-drilling and filling and billing business. I owned a thriving dental practice and was doing my best juggling act at owning a business with having two young children, one of whom was still in diapers.
My toddler daughter was entering the terrible twos, my older daughter was finally done being a “three-nager” (those of you whose kids haven’t entered that stage, brace yourselves for a world of hurt-sorry). I knew how to raise my mommy voice to just the right amount of anger to show my kids I meant business, all the while running a practice, managing staff, taking continuing education to better myself.
I was finally figuring things out!
Well, then, let’s just say that the universe has a dark sense of humor. Three years ago I literally tripped over my own two feet and injured my “drilling hand”, and after a painstaking effort (emphasis on pain) at getting better, it was good-bye dentistry and hello to early retirement!
My last year has been spent playing stay-at-home mom, making up for lost time I suppose. I volunteer in their classrooms, take them to all of their music lessons, ballet classes, karate, etc. I cook and clean, pour through Pinterest for Halloween costumes that I will sew by hand. Okay, that last part was a total exaggeration, but you get the point.
But being the type A, lapsed-career-woman that I am, I thought, now what?
After the chaos of my previous life, I thought, how can I use my knowledge for some good?
Almost daily, I am asked various questions from parents about their children’s teeth. From the simple to the more complex. I had a good friend suggest a blog. I like to write. So here I am!
When I was in dental school, I was taught to teach people the ideal way to do things. You brush and floss twice a day, visit your dentist twice a year (some more than that..I’ll get to that at a later blog entry), change your toothbrush head every three months. I could go on but you get the point.
But once you venture into the business of being a mom, you quickly realize that sometimes you have to throw all those attempts at being perfect out the proverbial window. Attaining those ideals were fine for us before we had children (okay, so maybe for some of us).
But we don’t live in a perfect world, and corners will be cut in some places. So where do we cut them without putting our children’s teeth at risk for problems?
Did you know that you don’t have to floss every tooth? Did you know that you should floss before you brush? (before you start asking me “why” I will tell you that I’ll get into the specifics about these things in later posts, so hang tight!)
Those pesky questions that seem so basic but you have been intimidated to ask. That’s what I’m here for!
Please leave comments below for future topics you’d like to hear about, because there are many!