Flossing - Part One: Why Do I Have to Put String Around My Teeth?
I have a confession to make. And this might get me excommunicated from the dental community writ large, so I’ll just come out and say it.
I hate flossing. Like really hate flossing.
I know! It’s really bad. How can I spend my days telling people to floss when I hate doing it myself?
Now I didn’t say I never do it. I just hate doing it.
If you’re anything like me, I have to know the reason behind doing something rather than accepting something because “it’s how it’s always done”. Trust me, I was not a fun child to have, (sorry mom), and I am presently on the receiving end of karmic retribution with my six year old.
But I digress.
So okay, flossing. Why do we have to do it?
Because, if you didn’t, it’d be like taking a shower for only the top half of your body, leaving the bottom part unwashed.
Without flossing, you are leaving food particles that literally rot in the pockets between your teeth.
Our mouths are literally teeming with bacteria that congregate around the folds of tissue around our teeth and cause infections in our gums.
Are you grossed out yet? Good.
Now you understand why we tell you to do it. This is what I saw on a daily basis with my patients. Plus, it’s just healthier that way.
That’s why we floss. Our toothbrushes are only doing part of the job of keeping our mouths clean. The bristles just can’t physically get into the little nooks and crannies between our teeth, and last time I checked, there just hasn’t been a good substitute for it.
In children’s teeth, there’s a reason I know AB, IJ, KL, ST. (Baby teeth are lettered instead of numbered) Those are the baby teeth that have contact points, and consequently, the teeth I mainly worked on! Now that my children are losing their baby teeth, I struggle with remembering which mandibular central incisor is which. Truly.
Next time: What kind of floss is best, or should I just get out the knitting yarn?
Please comment below and leave questions that I hope to answer in coming articles!